Monday, November 11, 2013

Make it your own Monday - - - A Twist on tradition (TRY THIS!! )


Weddings are a time of family and friends. Where the bride is given to her groom by her parents, to start and make a new life together. One of the most traditional elements of the wedding is the wedding ceremony. So much so that guest, for the most part, know how and when to react. For example the guest know that you are suppose to stand when the bride walk in.  
One of the traditions that has been around for a long time is the one where the father of the bride escorts her down the isle to be presented to the groom as his bride. A beautiful and emotional time for everyone, even mom. 
The woman who has been by your side through out the planning, through out the struggles of life as you were growing up. I am not sure why this has not been changed yet, maybe for the sake of tradition? I am not saying that any one at the wedding party thinks that the mom is less important. Most weddings have a father daughter dance also. So there is plenty of time to honor dad. 

Here is my proposal. . . .  What if you were to be escorted by both of your parents? Would it be traditional . .  maybe not. I believe that there was a time when this would be completely taboo. In this day and age I believe that you could totally get away with including mom.  Not to mention I believe that it would make mom feel appreciated.  I also feel that it would make it just that much more memorable. When the preacher ask, "who presents this woman?  a simple "we do" or "her mother and I " would be amazing. 

Remember that it is your wedding, and you should always make it your own. Don't think that the way that it has always been done is the only way. Weddings are all about sharing special moments with family and friends. Think about how special this would be for at least one woman at the ceremony!!
#weddingtips #tips #ceremony #MandATips #makeityourown #bride

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